東京外大の英語スピーキングテストパート3予想問題2にChatGPTによる解答例をつけましたBCT-S対策 東京女子大学










東京外大英語スピーキング対策予想問題2ChatGPTによる解答例 2)What is the differences between paper book and e-book?

Paper books are physical books made of paper and ink, while e-books are digital books that can be read on electronic devices. Some differences between paper books and e-books include:

  1. Format: Paper books are physical objects that can be held, while e-books are digital files.
  2. Portability: E-books can be stored on electronic devices, allowing readers to carry multiple books with them, while paper books can be heavy and take up space.
  3. Reading experience: Paper books provide a tactile experience that some readers find more immersive, while e-books offer features such as adjustable font sizes and built-in dictionaries.
  4. Cost: E-books are often cheaper than paper books, but may require an initial investment in an electronic device.
  5. Environmental impact: Paper books require the use of paper, ink, and other resources, while e-books require electronic devices and electricity.


東京外大英語スピーキング対策予想問題2ChatGPTによる解答例 3)Do you think technology helps to improve student’s academic performance? Why or Why not?

Technology can help improve student’s academic performance in certain circumstances, but it is not a guarantee. Here are some reasons why technology can be beneficial for students:

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